"A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants"
Hello, and welcome to The Young Libertarian Pages. My name is Derek Hollemans. Only recently I celebrated my 18th birthday, but I suppose I can still qualify as "young" in the eyes of most. I am a card carrying member, and avid supporter of the Libertarian Party, as I have been since 1996. However, through my experiences, I do realize that the principles of libertarianism go beyond what any political party can represent.
I am a staunch believer in personal liberty, and am insulted when I see that the government feels I am too incompetent to make menial decisions for myself, such as planning for my future, saving my money, what shows I want to watch on television, and what food I eat. The list goes on and on. Hopefully one day, there will be an essay for each of those issues. I would also like to add that I do not do any kind of illegal narcotic. The reason I mention this is to demonstrate that my thoughts are not based on some personal vendetta of mine against authority. I simply believe that such choices should be left up to the individual. If I do not participate in such activities, or even if I find them morally and ethically wrong does not mean that other people should be barred from making such choices.
Hopefully, this informal introduction has given you the inspiration to stick around and maybe check out a few things. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to E-Mail Me.
Evan Hollemans on NPR
To hear my spot, begin listening at approx 2:40 into the clip
Yes ladies and gentleman, it's official. On the 2nd of December, 1999, I have officially announced my candidacy in the heated race for Plainfield township trustee. I am currently putting together a web page, and it will be posted here as soon as I get it past the developmental stages. I am extremely excited about my opportunity to spread the Libertarian message in an extremely competative partisan race.
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Pages Since April 21, 1998
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